The 2001 Bucky Backers™ Trip to Indianapolis
The Bucky Backers™ headed to Indianapolis the morning of August 31 for the last home game for Bucky in the 2001 season. Dan, Nate, Ron and Aaron, all in various Bucky Backers™ t-shirts, left Illinois ready to cheer Bucky on in the land of corn. We figured we could pick up a 5th person to help with the B-U-C-K-Y sign in Indy.
We got into Indy about two hours before game time. As we were crossing the street to the park (which is a great park to watch a game - it's only about 4 years old), we ran into Paul on the median. Paul is a fellow Bucky Backer who attends the University of Illinois. Aaron had tried to contact him about the game but wasn't sucessful. Paul saw the Instant Message on his screen that morning and decided to do the roadtrip. His roommate, who is from Indianapolis, decided to join him.
We picked up the tickets that Bucky was nice enough to leave for us. Our seats were behind home plate with the rest of the players' families. It was rather fun. Signs were made, cheers discussed, and supper was consumed.
The game started and the Bucky Backers™ were their normal selves - always boarding on obnoxious but never pushing over the line. Bucky had a decent game, going one-for-four with a single. It was good to see him in action again.
After the game, we met up with Bucky outside the Players' Enterance. As usual, Bucky signed cards, balls and bats for anyone who asked. After the crowd had disapated, the group chatted with him for about 45 minutes. Bucky shared about his mother's battle with cancer. He also talked of his struggles this season. It was good to catch up with him.
When players leave tickets for people, they sign up the people and the number needed on a clipboard in the clubhouse. Bucky's teammates who signed up people after him quizzed him - "Who are these Bucky Backers™?" Bucky laughed and shared the story. The reaction? "You don't deserve a fan club!" they ribbed. Bucky responded, "You're right, I don't!"
Bucky also talked of next season. His goal? He wants to be in Milwaukee by All-Star break. We joked that that would be a shorter commute for us.
As things were winding down, Bucky handed out some hats for the guys in addition to a couple of broken bats he was able to save. He said it was the least he could do for us. Bucky signed the signs and the bat. We started to pack up and get ready for the four-hour trip home.
As the fireworks started, Bucky left with his roommate to pack up their apartment. After their last series in Louisville, Bucky was going to drive down to Huntsville for the playoffs. He had helped the Huntsville Stars win the first-half title and wanted to support his teammates there. Again, nothing short of a class act. From there, Bucky would head home for a break before heading to Venezeula.