Bucky's Family Comes to Town
On August 21st, the Bucky Backers™ headed back to Beloit for an unscheduled trip to see Bucky. The reason you ask? Bucky's family was coming to town!
The Backers piled into the vans in Wheaton and headed to Beloit. They bypassed the usually meal stop because Bucky's mom was throwing a picnic for the group! The Backers were most appreciative, especially Paul who packed away a hamburger and two chicken sandwiches plus the chips, pickles, etc. that came with it.
The night had clouds overhanging the ball park, with thunder and lightning being seen in the distance. But the rain held off long enough to see the Snappers start the game. The Quad City River Bandits jumped out with two runs in the top of the first inning, but the hometown Snappers answered with two of their own in the bottom of the frame. The Backers astonished Bucky's family with their cheering, though by their own admission, it was not as rowdy as early escapades. The loudest Backers were at a school retreat and unfortunately couldn't make the trip.
The top of the fourth saw the Bandits erupt for five runs, some off of Snapper errors. As the rain started to come down harder, the Snappers started a rally. The scored two runs in the bottom of the fifth inning. At the end of the inning, the umps halted the game.
The Backers along with the rest of the fans sought shelter under the stands. Bucky, who struck out with the bases loaded at the end of the fifth stayed in the dugout for a long time (understandably). He emerged to the delight of fans and spent twenty minutes talking with the Backers and his family. The Backers had to take off before the game resumed. It had been a great year and fortunately Bucky and his family appreciated the Backers enthusiasm.