The Bucky Backers™ Head Back to Beloit
The Bucky Backers™ trip to Beloit on July 16th was the largest Backer event to date. 32 loyal and new fans came from all over Wisconsin and Illinois. One Backer even brought friends from New Zealand! The Backers met in Beloit to see the Snappers take on those dreaded corn Kernels from Cedar Rapids.
The original plans for the evening included having the Backers sing the National Anthem and Aaron throwing out the first pitch. Unfortunately, some of the Backers arrived late for the caravan up to Beloit. This delay made the Backers arrive at the ballpark in the middle of the first inning, missing both events. Thankfully, Snappers GM Matt Harris graciously allowed the Backers to sing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" during the 7th inning stretch. Thanks again for that Matt!
With the added numbers to the Backers, new cheering possibilities were created. "BUCKY RULES" and "GO BUCKY" signs graced the bleachers. The evening also saw the debut of a new song for the Backers. Peter and Aaron came up with the song during Bucky's stint as first base coach at Kane County. The title? "B is for Bucky," sung to the tune of that Sesame Street favorite, "C is for Cookie." Many in the stadium were amused.
The game itself went quickly - a little over two hours! The Snappers committed no errors, which surely pleased manager Don Money. The final score, however, did not. The Snappers played from behind the entire game and scored their only run in the ninth inning. The run came on Bucky's broken bat single - the Bucky Backers™ went nuts. Unfortunately, nothing more came of the Snappers' rally.
After the game, Bucky was his usual easy going self - cordial with the fans, signing autographs and talking with the masses. Always the professional, Bucky made it memorable for every one.