The 2000 Season
2000 was anticipated as a big year for Bucky - and it was. He was named to both the Southern League All-Star Game and the AA All-Star Game.
We weren't able to go to the Southern League All-Star game directly, but some fans who discovered Bucky in 1999 did. Read about their experience at the Southern League All Star Game.
Just as we were trying to figure out if it was possible to get out to Maryland to see Bucky play in the AA All Star Game, Bucky broke his wrist in a collision at first base. It looked like all of our roadtrips were brought to a halt.
As Bucky headed to Venezeula for winter ball, a group of fans of the Tibournes tracked us down and asked about the fan club. The 2000 t-shirts were made for a Venezeulan League tour.
We were looking forward to Bucky hopefully moving up to AAA Indianapolis (maybe even Milwaukee?) next year which would make roadtrips easier.